Grow your Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit business

See resources below to reach more customers quickly.

Target customers

Target your customer with pre-built materials:

Make yourself visible to us in Partner Center

Partner Center is where you will manage multiple aspects of your relationship with Microsoft including referrals, opportunities, and marketplace offers:

Marketing campaign codes

When adding opportunity details, always use one of the following marketing campaign identifiers on your opportunities in Partner Center:

Marketing Campaign ID Campaign Name
7-XPYHH5K2P TSI - F&E (Fundraising and Engagement): Partner Generated
7-ZK4V57KEE TSI - Volunteer: Partner Generated

Go to market with Microsoft Marketplace

The Microsoft commercial marketplace is a catalog of service or solution offers from our partners. You can create, configure, and manage offers in Partner Center. For a complete overview see What is the Microsoft commercial marketplace?

The commercial marketplace consists of two online stores:

Multiple types of offers are supported including Consulting Services, turnkey Azure Applications, Dynamics 365 solutions, and Software as a Service subscriptions. To get started, see an overview of Publishing guides by offer type to identify the type of offer most appropriate for you. Several offer types are transactable on marketplace.

If you publish a transactable offer for Azure or Teams, here are some excellent resources available to guide you from start to finish:

Offer setup considerations

To ensure your offer is visible to the right nonprofit customers consider the following settings on the Properties tab of your offer:

  • If your offer is relevant to nonprofit industry scenarios, choosing the “Nonprofit and IGO” industry will ensure that your offer appears with the industry filter:
  • If your offer utilizes the Common Data Model for Nonprofits or a Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit solution like Fundraising and Engagement or Volunteer Management, check the Microsoft Clouds for Industry checkbox and choose the “Nonprofit & IGO” industry to appear on the Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit landing page (validation required by industry team):

Co-selling your offer

The marketplace supports co-selling with Microsoft, as well as reselling through other partners in the ecosystem. For a full overview see:

Example offers:

  • Dynamics 365 offer: Volunteer Screening for Volunteer Management
  • Dynamics 365 offer: Online Donations for Fundraising and Engagement
  • Service offer: Fundraising and Engagement 30-day Implementation
  • Service offer: Nonprofit Data Migration Assessment

One of the most powerful co-selling capabilities is partner-to-partner faciliated by Partner Center. In Partner Center, co-selling is facilitated through the “Referrals” feature. ISVs or SIs can create referral offers for their solutions, which another partner can then accept and use to find potential customers. When a partner accepts a referral offer, they become the “lead partner” for that opportunity. The partner who created the referral offer becomes the “co-sell partner”.

Once the lead partner has identified a potential customer, they can share the lead with the co-sell partner through Partner Center. The co-sell partner can then work with the lead partner to close the deal and deliver the solution or service to the customer. Here is a general overview of the process for sharing a lead (co-sell) with another partner in Microsoft Partner Center:

  1. Establish a partnership: The SI partner (Service Integrator) and the ISV partner (Independent Software Vendor) need to establish a partnership within the Microsoft Partner Network. This involves both partners having active memberships in the Partner Network, be co-sell ready and signing the necessary agreements.
  2. Identify the lead opportunity: The SI partner identifies a lead opportunity where they believe the ISV partner’s solution can add value to the customer’s requirements.
  3. Register the opportunity: The SI partner should register the lead opportunity in the Partner Center. This involves providing details about the customer, the opportunity, and the ISV partner’s solution. The registration helps track and manage the co-selling process.
  4. Co-sell collaboration: Once the opportunity is registered, the SI partner can collaborate with the ISV partner to jointly work on the customer engagement. This collaboration can involve various activities such as solution design, implementation planning, and customer presentations.
  5. Revenue sharing: If the opportunity results in a successful sale, revenue sharing agreements between the SI partner and the ISV partner can be established. The specific revenue sharing terms and agreements may vary depending on the partnership arrangement and agreements between the two partners.

It’s important to note that the exact process and steps involved may differ based on the specific programs, agreements, and requirements of the partners involved. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult the official Microsoft Partner Center documentation or reach out to Microsoft’s Partner Center support for detailed information on the current process.