Data Governance Academy
Welcome to the Data Governance Academy.
The Data Governance Academy is a series of presentations and hands-on material for topics related to data governance, Microsoft Purview, security, and data estate management.
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cluedindata governancedata, analytics, and aimaster data managementmicrosoft partner showcasemodern analytics academyshowcase contentvignettes
academy contentazuredata governancedata lakedata, analytics, and aimicrosoft purviewmodern analytics academyresource setsvignettes
academy contentazuredata consumptiondata governancedata marketplacedata policydata, analytics, and aimicrosoft purviewmodern analytics academyself-servicevignettes
academy contentazuredata governancedata, analytics, and ailineagemicrosoft purviewmodern analytics academysqlvignettes
academy contentazuredata governancedata, analytics, and aimain seriesmodern analytics academypurview
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